Free Pool Challengers 3D
Free Pool Challengers 3D

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Situated within the same building as the Strasenburgh Planetarium, the site is designed to emulate the challenges experienced by ground command staff and astronauts on a spaceship whilst completing a simulated mission to Mars. They didn’t disappoint!įirst cab off the ranks was the Rochester Challenger Learning Center, one of 43 sites in the USA that run school education visits in honour of the Challenger Shuttle Mission STS-51L which sadly perished on January 28, 1986. As you could imagine, the skills of the team are diverse and so I was looking forward to checking out how they run classes that simulate being in a spaceship, a NASA command center or an underwater laboratory for a variety of student groups. In addition Monroe #1 BOCES run 10 video conferencing connections including underwater geometry via SCUBA, energy transformations and investigations of the ecology of Lake Ontario. Both sites are run by Monroe #1 BOCES, one of 37 cooperative educational services that support education in New York State (they even run their own radio station to teach broadcasting skills and a touring solar education classroom). On leaving Cleveland Museum of Art I continued my Churchill Fellowship, taking a later flight out of Ohio and landing at midnight in Rochester, New York to visit the Rochester Challenger Learning Centre and Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory over a 2 day visit.

Free Pool Challengers 3D